Monday, November 19, 2007

Roller Skating And Chuck E. Cheese

Saturday we had two birthday parties to go to. One was for my neice Alexis. She is 11. The party was a 12:00. The theme for her party was Hannah Montana and the cake was made by a friend of my grandmother's and it was quite yummy and cute. We went to Texas Skatium in Rowlett and the kids have never been roller skating before. Hayley had fun but, she fell a few times and Madison, Nicholas, and Jake weren't all that into it. They wanted their shoes back on pretty quick after they put their skates on and that was just fine with me because I didn't want to follow them around and hold them up the whole time. I took some pictures of the boys but they turned out blurry. Boo Hoo...Just a warning: Don't get the pizza there. It was pretty nasty. Yuck! The next party we went to was at Chuck E. Cheese at 6:00 for my friend Courtney's boys A.J. and Tyler. It was fun. We had to eat pizza again but, at least it was good pizza. He had a shark themed party and the cake turned out really cute. Courtney and her mom made it. They waited to open presents at home because there were so many, it was like Christmas. Here are a few pix...


SimmonsFamily99 said...

Looks like a great time all around~ cute pics!

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